What Makes This the 7th Year?

In 2015 I left my full-time corporate job to start a graphic arts studio called SWEAGA - providing large-scale art & graphics services to companies. This afforded me some freedom to explore and produce my own creative visions and projects. This year marks the 7th year of that journey, which has been filled with challenge, creativity, adventure, joy and fulfillment.

Coincidentally, and thankfully, the Idea Fab Lab opened in Santa Cruz the same year I went independent. I was introduced to the laser cutter thru my own personal art endeavors, which led me to the Fab Lab. The maker space became a crucial component for me to offer independent graphic art solutions to clients without having to build my own full scale production facility. This art show is the result of a lot of technical expertise that I've gained over these years as I've experimented with laser cutters, printers and spray paint.

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